Trump Falls in Polls

Jaclyn Adamson, Editor-in-Chief

trumpDespite the vast media attention placed on him, Donald Trump has fallen in recent polls of the American voters. He has been passed in the popular vote by Ben Carson. Despite all the flattering pictures of him floating around the internet, he has lost steam in the American public. The Republicans are all holding out hope that Trump’s fame will die out.
Trump has fallen 3% and Carson has jumped 5% in a Quinnipiac University poll. That does not sound like a lot, but with the amount of Republican candidates that kind of drop can make a difference.
“Every act gets old…The first five times he calls people an idiot it’s funny. I think at this point it’s gotten stale,” Curt Anderson said on
People liked Trump in the beginning because he never backed off his statements and gave refreshing uncensored answers, but the public soon realized that these non-politically correct statements were not what they wanted from their new president.
According to the Huffington Post Trump is most frequently called ‘dumb’, ‘arrogant’, and ‘crazy’ by possible voters.
The American people have really gotten to know that punchline to every rich kid joke. The public has frequently voiced their dislike of Trump. From bashing his ‘Dennis the Menace’ comb over, to reeling when he admitted his dad gave him a small loan to get started; a small loan of one million dollars. Which, adjusted for inflation, is equal to about 5 million in today’s money.
The Trump craze has almost lifted and voters are slowly realizing that they might need someone with actual political experience to be president.