Ooey Gooey Goodness

Parker Fales and Lydia Hills

Brenda, a popular lunch lady, took over the concession stands in the cafeteria during lunch and turned it into her own “she shed” to sell her fan-favorite cookies and other snack options. You can find her dancing around and listening to music in the mornings.

Every day she comes in on her own time and begins preparing the hundreds of cookies she sells each day. 

“I’ll do seven trays of 24 with fudge and five trays of sugar, and I do that every day and I put them in the freezer,” Brenda said, “And then the next morning I bring them out and cook them” 

She sells 300 to 400 cookies each day and says that the most popular cookie is her triple fudge cookies which typically run out before the last lunch of the day. 

“I can’t keep up with them [the fudge cookies] by the fourth lunch halfway through, they ran out and I made eight trays,” Brenda said.

With the concession being such a hot spot at lunch, Brenda mentioned wanting to open up the second side of the concessions like they did in the past, to help speed up the consistent lines, but is in need of some more help. 

“Brenda my boss, my boss’s name is also Brenda. She used to work in here.” Brenda said, “She’s been here like what, 100 years? And they always were working in here and they usually have that other side open and we’re gonna open that side. But we need some help.”

The sign in front of the stands was made by Brenda when she claimed the concessions as her own and gave it the name “Brenda’s She Shed.” 

“I’m always changing the names of everything,” Brenda said.

Her favorite part of her job is interacting with the students and getting to know them throughout the day.

“The students are so fun and I tease them and they take it well and they make me laugh and I look forward to coming and seeing them every day. I try to remember their names, you know because it’s more personal.” Brenda said, “I just love you guys.”

The feelings are definitely mutual between her and the students as many kids have expressed their love and appreciation for Brenda. 

“I like how sweet she is, she’s like a grandma to everybody, she’s adorable,” freshman Ella Wilcek said.

“She’s a kind person and I love her with all my heart,” Freshman Mariana Taylor said.

Staff members throughout the building appreciate and admire Brenda and her work ethic. 

“Is it bad to say her cookies [are my favorite thing]?” Coach Amy Stubblefield said, “Well she’s funny for one, and she keeps this place going and feeds all the kids and does it with a good attitude and her cookies are bomb.”