Comeback Season

Coach Riley Trowbridge is bringing back the sport powerlifting after six years.

Madeline Clark, Editor in Chief

Riley Trowbridge, the Strength and Conditioning coach, is bringing back powerlifting after six years. Powerlifting is a competitive type of weightlifting that consists of three different lifts. Athletes will have three attempts at maximal weight on squat, bench press and hang clean. Trowbridge is preparing his athletes by coaching them four days a week.

“Pre-season we are going to train four days a week and get our conditioning and speed and strength up and get in season to lift three days a week,” Trowbridge said. “One day is speed, another day is agility, and another day is conditioning so that you keep progressing as the season goes on and you can stay in shape and execute your lifts well.”

So far, 52 students have signed up for powerlifting. This was a great outcome since the school has not had a powerlifting team in six years.

“I wanted to give our athletes an opportunity who do not play a winter sport to compete and stay in shape,” Trowbridge said.

To join the team you must have some previous experience with weightlifting, or be enrolled in a strength and conditioning class. Coach Trowbridge has aimed to make Powerlifting work for a lot of students, even those competing in other winter sports.

“If they have class, they can lift in class. If they want to come in the morning, they can come in the morning. If someone in sports does not have a team competition on Saturday, they can come to the powerlifting one,” Trowbridge said.

If students want to be a part of the powerlifting team they must keep up with their academics. Students must have grades higher than a C to join the team.

“Every week we will look at your grades, and if you do drop below a C you have a week to get that up and if you can’t you will miss the meet,” Trowbridge said.

Powerlifting is a team sport, and students are representing the school. As such, a certain level of prestige is expected of members.

“Being a part of this team is a privilege,” Trowbridge said. “We want you on this team, but you have to earn it and you have to show it.”

The powerlifting team kicked off practice Monday November 28 and coach Trowbridge is optimistic about the season moving forward.

“I want powerlifting to be somebody’s sport,” Trowbridge said. “We have a lot of kids here who love to lift and powerlifting could be their new sport”

Trowbridge coaching the morning session of powerlifting athletes

The first competition will be January 7th at McLouth. Coach Trowbridge has a few athletes he is looking forward to seeing compete at the event.

“Some individuals that stand out to me right now are Amber Stroh, Trinity Hudson, Bailey O’ Sullivan, Alivia Drake, Josh Andrews, Tucker Williams, Ryleigh Sanders, Caleb Dewy and there are so many more,” Trowbridge said.

This is the first year the school will compete in the sport of powerlifting. Coach Trowbridge has one main goal for the team, to train as a team and to win as a team.

“I want to win competitions, and I want to win state,” Trowbridge said. “To win you have to score points and the team with the most points wins.”

Coach Trowbridge has hopes to eventually hold a meet here at our school and is excited for the rest of the season.  

“Administration has been really supportive and gave us the green light, I talked to Mr. Peavey about possibly hosting a meet here and we’re very excited to see how it all goes,” Trowbridge said.