Activities Fair comes to Gardner Edgerton High school

The Future Educators of America hosted the first annual club fair September 8 -10. Students attended the fair during seminar based on grade level. “It will help the students each find something they can be apart of,” FEA sponsor Shelley Valvero said. FEA believes that clubs enhance social skills, helps students find their passions, and holding an activities fair gives students a chance to get information on all the club opportunities available here at GEHS.


The National Honor Society, Sponsored by Mallory Arends and Jan Bechard, is for students with a 3.75 G.P.A. in their junior and senior year. NHS is for students who excel in school, and in their communities. After being selected by the committee, members help out with and sponsor community service.

The Natural Helpers, accepts anyone looking to help out in their community. The NH does service with the Kade Meyer Run, the annual Special Populations Dance, and many other activities. In order to join, students can attend a meeting, the first wednesday of each month during seminar, or speak to one of the sponsors, Jaylene Freeman, Holly Green, or Alissa Ramsey.

The GEHS Engineering Team, or the NEDC, sponsored by Larry Ward, competes in a national design competition to create technology that will help people with disabilities in their workplace. Anyone can join by attending the sign up meeting, in mid September, more information on the date will be on the announcements.

 Art Club, sponsored by Barb McCormick, Art Club meets on flexible dates during seminar, the dates the meetings will be held, will be shown on the announcements. Anyone can join art club by showing up to the meetings. Art Club is lead by the students, so the group chooses the activities from art shows, college opportunities, projects, etc.

Student Council represents GEHS pride according to sponsor Katie Zahner, StuCo is in charge of dances, assemblies, and other activities to promote school spirit. Elections are held at the end of each year, for more details go Room (insert Zahner’s room number).

The Blazer Newspaper is held during second block only, where students work together, using stories, designs, and photos. In order to apply, students must have taken 21st Century Journalism, or Digital photography; however, the sponsor Lindsey Ross can deem the applicant eligible with recommendations and work samples.

The Trailblazer Yearbook, sponsored by Lindsey Ross, is held during ninth block only, the yearbook staff produces the theme, stories, photos, and design for the GEHS yearbook between August and March. Students must apply to take the Trailblazer Yearbook class, and by having completed a prerequisite class, or supplying work samples and recommendations.

Orchestra, taught by Brian Scott, students will learn to play songs to perform in concert. If the student has previous orchestra experience, they may apply with an audition, but without experience, there is an entrance audition in the classroom.

Ping Pong Club members play the sport they love in a community atmosphere. Any student can be in Ping Pong, they play at 7:00 A.M on Fridays during the winter sports season with the sponsors, Derrick Abromeit, Andy Weber, Will Espeset, and Holly Green.

Prom Committee, sponsored by Alissa Ramsey and Mallory Arends, is in charge of theme, invitations, decorations, fundraising, and the setup of prom. To join, the student must be a junior and  show up to the first meeting September 17, during seminar.

DECA is a business and marketing club, that goes to tournaments and competes in competitions.  Any student can get in, and it’s a great fit for students who enjoyed business or public speaking classes. If you are interested contact Jaylene Freeman or Laurie Warwick.

Family Career Community Leaders of America aims to set students on a good path, by applying social skills and providing opportunities to help out in the community. If the student has taken a family and consumer science class, students can attend the meeting, with the twenty dollar fee. Sponsored by Casi Wetzel, the meetings are the first Thursday of every month during seminar in the lecture hall.

The Interact Club, sponsored by Will Biggs boosts community service by helping students get involved. Any GEHS student can get involved by attending the meetings, Wednesday mornings at 7:15 A.M.

Scholars Bowl, a KSHSAA sponsored activity ran by Deb Osborne and Julie Gillette, competes in JV and Varsity Jeopardy tournaments against other schools.  Scholars Bowl practices before and after school September through November in tsponsor Julie Gillette ;listen to the morning announcements for the first few practice dates.

Reaching Individual Students Everyday, or RISE, is a student mentoring students program. Students can attend the September 16th meeting in the lecture hall during seminar and become a part of the RISE program. RISE, meets once a month in the lecture hall, and is sponsored by Courtney Franz.

Improv, plays acting games in Room 717 after school on Fridays. Improv club is about exploring the students’ interests, and giving chances for everyone to participate, and laugh. Sponsored by Jeff Lady anyone can come and participate.                                                                                                                              

Teens Educating and Advocating for Mental Health Solutions, or TEAMS, goal is to educate GEHS about mental illness, with mental health awareness week and educational nights. The team meets on tuesdays, in room 301, at 3:10. Contact sponsors,  Stacy Audsley, Gayla Anderson, or Shelley Vallero to get involved.

The Future Educators of America, or FEA, sponsored by Shelley Vallero,  is for students interested in working the educational field. The FEA does a number of things including projects for teacher appreciation and speaking at middle schools for National Bullying Prevention Month.  Any students can get involved by attending the second meeting September 20th in the lecture hall during seminar.