The latest Pokémon Presents, held this past Pokémon Day, has revealed one of the most long awaited titles in the franchise; Pokémon Legends: Z-A
Pokémon Legends: Z-A was first announced a year prior, also on Pokémon Day. Despite its announcement, we didn’t get a new trailer for it until two weeks ago. The trailer has split many fans, with many being very excited and others being disappointed.
The game takes place entirely in Lumiose City, a decision which has split the fandom. Many people are upset about not being able to explore the entire Kalos region, while many others are excited to explore Lumiose city in depth. Personally, I am excited to explore Lumiose City more, but I can also see why people are disappointed by being locked in one city.
The starter choices have also caused a divide in the fandom. The starters are Chikorita, Tepig, and Totodile. Many people are disappointed by two Johto starters being in the lineup when Pokémon Legends: Arceus had all three of the starters be from different regions. I am also a bit upset by this decision. I think Chikorita should’ve been replaced with another grass starter, Turtwig or Sprigatito would’ve been fun to see.
Another thing that is dividing the fandom is the graphics. The graphics are much more saturated but they don’t seem to have the fur or scale textures that Scarlet and Violet introduced. This has disappointed many people. I like the more saturated colors but I’m hoping the final game will have the Scarlet and Violet textures added to the Pokemon as well.
Pokémon Legends: Z-A is also bringing back one of the most, if not the most, popular battle gimmicks, mega evolution. While no new mega evolutions were shown in the trailer, it is likely that at least a few of the new forms will be shown in another trailer closer to the release of Z-A. From the few battle scenes we saw it seems like mega evolution has a timer. I think this is a fun addition to mega evolution, it makes it so a strategy is needed for taking down tough opponents.
Speaking of battle gimmicks, we now can guide our Pokémon and have them dodge opposing Pokémon’s moves. This is a super fun addition that shakes up how battles work. This is one of the most anticipated features for the fandom.
Pokémon Legends: Z-A is currently set to release in late 2025. While the first trailer has received mixed opinions, I am very excited to play this game. From the gameplay mechanics we’ve seen so far Pokémon Legends: Z-A is quite different from the mainline games and even Pokémon Legend: Arceus, a difference which has the potential to make this game one of the best in the franchise.