The passing between class was shortened this year to five minutes instead of seven. One of the main concerns about the passing periods is its effect on tardies and more kids leaving during class.
Many students have been trying to adjust to the shorter passing periods but having two minutes less leaves less time for other things like going to the restroom or talking with friends.
“I believe these passing periods are not good because many students do walk to their class but take this time to do some extra necessities,” said sophomore, Samantha Briseno.
It has also been affecting how many students end up leaving class to go to the restroom since they haven’t had time
“I’m having kids leave class a little more often, due to the restrooms cause some of them legitimately don’t have time to go to the restroom during passing periods,” said Social Studies teacher, Jason Crowder.
The shorter passing periods are beneficial in many ways, like speeding up movement in the hallways, fewer tardies, and fewer conjunctions in heavy traffic areas. If everyone immediately went to class.
“I do know it puts a little bit more stress on the kids to get to class on time,“ said Crowder.
On the other hand, it also gets really messy going from class to class which makes movement much slower because not everyone leaves for class immediately.
“I have been in multiple occasions where I do not make it in time and I have to run,” said Briseno.
This change has been quite beneficial in speeding up the time students takes to get from class to class, though some teachers thought that they would be getting a lot more tardies, yet it hasn’t been that way.
“I haven’t noticed a massive shift in people being late,“ said Social Studies teacher, Matthew Mayeske, “I thought that people might be more late because of this change but, what I’ve noticed is actually kids get to class on time.”

To speed up getting to class you should know the right way to walk in the hallways. You should always walk on the right side of the hallway.
“Back during COVID we put arrows on the ground to kind of facilitate showing where kids should walk in a general direction,” said Mayeske
The shorter passing periods are a mix of good and bad, and only time will tell the result of this change.