Being in a sport is a hard thing to do that takes time and dedication, that is a challenge
Addison Berg, a freshman has decided to take.
Playing a sport takes time and still, Berg has taken the challenge and still has time
for other activities.
“I play Ticket to Ride and card games with my family and I like Miraculous Ladybug,”
Berg said.
Another thing that takes time and care is having pets.
“I do, I have a dog named Deciel,” Berg said. “I feed and water him and
let him go outside.”
Having family members that support you can help you feel less stressed
“Yes, I have a twin sister and an older brother which is a senior,” Berg said. “My
brother plays basketball and my sister plays all the same sports as me, so it is kind of fun hanging
out with her.”
Entering a new school can sometimes be chaotic and it can also be stressful being around
new people.
“Ya, I like that we have longer passing periods and that I can see my friends,” Berg
said. “Yes, I have met another set of twins I’ve gotten closer with friends from other middle schools.”
Getting Involved in school activities is a great way to meet new people and do something
you like.
“I go to FCA and All in Blazers,” Berg said. “I like FCA to continue my faith and
to support and I like All in Blazers to go to Madison and help little kids.”
Playing sports is a great way to stay active and have fun.
“Softball, I just have the most fun and I feel like I can do my personal best and we can have
little victories and wins,” Berg said.
Being part of a sport at a high school level is something you train for or something you’ve
been doing for a while.
“Yes, I started when I was three playing soccer, softball, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball,
and golf,” Berg said.
Sometimes people play many sports throughout their lives to see what they like and enjoy.
“Softball, soccer, softball, gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, and golf,” Berg said.
People who play sports might want to continue doing what they like even at the college level.
“Not in college just throughout my high school but if I get a scholarship I will,” Berg said.