There are many new faces here at GEHS this year and Tami Estes is one of them. She is the Registrar located at the first door on your left when walking into student services.
Needing a bigger and better challenge Estes decided to come here to discover that.
“I live in Baldwin and worked at the high school there and it’s a pretty small high school in comparison to here,” Estes said. “Last year I took a new position. It was a very challenging position. The school that I had gone to was a little private school and they decided not to form the school this year, so that sent me out to find a new position. When I saw this position open I thought that would be an even better challenge. Having a much larger school and more students to manage. I have always liked Gardner. I come here to go shopping for groceries and stuff like that. So I thought that I would give it a try. And here I am.”
She is located in the counseling hall, but that is not what she does; her title is registrar. She makes sure all the paperwork is right and that people are getting what they need like transcripts to apply to college.
“I manage the student records and my biggest job is enrolling new students, withdrawing students from school, and entering grades,” Estes said. “Sending transcripts for students that have graduated or students that are still in school.”
Even though Estes is not a counselor she is open to talking with anyone if they need something or just want to talk.
“You know, I’m not a counselor but my door is open to anybody. I would love to visit with anybody with anything, and if I’m not able to help them then I will connect them with the right person who could help them.”
Estes has been in this career for a long time, so she has been with a lot of coworkers and students, but here she says GEHS has had the best welcome.
“I love it here, out of all the jobs that I have had which haven’t been that many because cause I’ve been working in education for 24 years, but out of the jobs that I’ve had coming to work at Gardner I’ve never had a more warming welcome at a new position that I have here so I really enjoy it here.”
Estes is looking forward to getting to know everyone, building friendships, and becoming part of the GEHS family.
“This year just getting to know as many staff members as I can and as many students as I can and just really looking forward to becoming part of this great family that you guys have here.”