The new Athletics Director, Jason Radel, has been a part of the Gardner community since 1998. He previously worked with special-needs students, as well as guided studies, but now has a new position as Athletics Director.
Radel said his favorite part of working here at GEHS is working with kids.
“The kids are my favorite part. I just enjoy working with kids and helping them grow,” he said.
Radel loves GEHS because it is the only high school in town. He thinks it makes the school special.
“We’re a one high school town, I mean, that really sets us apart from the people around us. It makes us tight-knit; it makes us family,” Radel said.
Radel said that his “Work Bestie” is Associate Principal, Molly Bachkora.
“Yeah, we’ve become pretty close because she’s new to this school and we’re both new at this role,” he said.