Car Club Organizes Car Show on Sept. 25

Nicholas Belcher, Reporter

To fundraise for students going into technical and trade fields, the high school Car Club is hosting the Robert Cook Car Show on September 25. 

“The car club kids, It’s kind of their passion,” auto tech teacher Mr. Jessi Lane said. “Not only building or working with cars, but kinda just getting a chance to share and talk, it’s kind of one of those environments.”

For $20, car owners can bring their vehicle and compete in different categories. In addition, the Car Club students will be able to show off their project cars. This event will give students an opportunity to speak with others of the same interest.

“The main reason we are doing it is actually to raise funds for the Robert Cook Memorial Scholarship,” Mr. Lane said.

This is the high school’s first year of doing the car show with the foundation, though the car show was held before (with no relation to the high school) last year. Robert Cook was a Gardner resident and businessman. He was known for his expertise in the auto industry as a local.

“I’m very excited because we are going to have street tacos there by the culinary department,” Mr. Lane said.

At the show, culinary students will be selling food and drinks for the event. Their presence is another way to fundraise and to practice their work.

“A lot of people don’t know that it’s free to view, it only costs to put your car in it,” Mr. Lane said.

The show is completely free to view and attend and anyone is welcome. Viewing the cars will be the main attraction, but there is also going to be valve cover races and food for purchase.

“Since it’s our first year it’s going to be a learning curve, but, some really cool stuff, between street tacos and valve cover races, things like that will be really fun,” Mr. Lane said.