School Dances Altered Due to Covid-19
Jeni Daley
At the kickoff pep assembly before the first home football game, the blue men dance to get the student section pumped up. Pep assemblies making a comeback is a big impact to the social activities put on pause during Covid.
Sep 7, 2021
School dances are a big part of high school–whether you go to them or sit at home by yourself while they are going on. For most kids, Covid canceling dances is a bust. However, the high school is finding ways to accommodate Covid safety protocols while still hosting these major social events for teens.
As of last Friday, Sept. 3, some sort of homecoming after-party is cleared to occur. Yet, Covid continues to complicate previously routine events, and the annual homecoming dance could turn out to be something different than usual.
“We are working for something for homecoming,” Principal Frank Bell said. “That there would be something the students could do together, won’t be a dance per say, we’ll probably be doing it outside, but we’ll have a DJ so there’ll be that going on.”
The homecoming dance might look different than usual, but Mr. Bell said sponsors and administrators are doing as much as they can to make it a good time. Some students are excited that we would get to do anything but overall most of the students would rather have the dances than anything else.
“Dances are some of the best memories of high school,” junior Adah Siegfreid said. “Can’t ruin it because of Covid.”
In typical years, there is also a back-to-school dance that occurs after the first football scrimmage every school year. This year it was unable to happen due to Covid-19. Senior class president Liam Strahan helps plan these types of activites on Student Council, and said they considered alternatives to provide a social event for students.
“We were gonna have a haunted house kind of thing that we could do during Halloween,” Strahan said. “Or maybe just like a costume contest or something like that.”
While individuals such as Siegfreid don’t want to have dances ruined because of Covid, others are disappointed but don’t think it would be the best idea that the school could provide.
“I would definitely like to have a dance but it wouldn’t be as safe as possible,” Ava Wichhart said.